Dental Splints
Worn over your top or bottom teeth, a custom-fitted dental splint prevents damage from grinding or clenching while you sleep.
4 steps to a comfortable dental splint
The initial consultation
We’ll examine your teeth for evidence of grinding and decide whether a top or bottom dental splint is appropriate.
Taking an impression
At the same appointment, we take an impression of your teeth or perform a digital scan if necessary.
Fabricating the splint
We use the impressions and scans to design your splint using specialised software and then print it out with our 3D printer. For certain types of splints, we also work with a specialised boutique dental laboratory – The Spot Dental Lab in Croydon – to ensure high quality and a perfect fit.
Trying the splint
At your next appointment, we’ll show you how to put in and remove the splint and check that the fit is comfortable and tight. From consultation to delivery, the entire process can take just a few weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions.
Not only is a poor fit less likely to be effective in protecting your teeth, you may find it also is less comfortable to wear, impacting the quality of your sleep.